If you ever wondered about what's your favourite band's taste in electronic, than you're not differ from us! This new series focuses on a band member's choice on electronic music from past and from the present. First up: Szoni the singer from Balkan Fanatik, and Canadian Comedy. This series is monthly so stay tuned ravers!
Ooookay so I have tons of song that I could choose but the one I am really on now is What else is there from Röyksopp. I know it is a bit old and stuff, but for some reason (maybe because the voice of the chanteuse is very unique and I love the way she sings) the time of this song for me is now.
The 2nd place goes to a Chemical Brothers song called Do It Again, which I guess everyone knows. Ultimate party song, impossible to get enough of it!
And on the 3rd place I choose a La Roux song In For The Kill, remixed by Skream. I just love that shit, perfect song.
I got to my last choice tonite (actually it is not a countdown, so all of these songs have a special place in my heart, haha), which is a song from Aphex Twin named Flim, from the Come to Daddy EP. It simply calms me down and gives me the feeling of summer, even if its snowing outside.