On 22 December the BlondsHaveMoreGuns photo crew will conquer another party: Jesus Birthday Party @ Dürer Kert. Featuring metal and hardcore bands The Last Charge, Unsent Letters, The Devil Came on Horseback and The Slaves and RobotRock, Misandry, Disktrip, Manipulator, Creak and Plastickid as DJs. Such a brutal hardcore-electro mash lineup is hard to find so don't be a pussy and be sure to check the party out if you happen to spend the next Tuesday night at Budapest. Entry fee: 1000HUF before, 800HUF after 11pm.
New BLNDSHVMRGNS Photo Series coming soon!
hogy mi mindig kimaradunk a felsorolásból :(
Helló, további szép estét
hopp facebookon nem voltatok a nevek között:D
köszi, tudom ,dehát az már mellékes :)